Saturday, January 2, 2010

Crouch Family Christmas!!

It was Brenden's turn to put the star on the tree!

Time to decorate!!

Our mantle...

The kids sprinkled some "reindeer food" on our lawn. Apparently it worked!

Do you think Brenden is excited??

Ashlyn was SO EXCITED to give Brenden his present.

Miss Easy Bake has arrived.....

The first thing the kids ate Christmas morning?? Yellow cake with chocolate frosting....

Daddy loved his present from the kids.

We were so blessed this Christmas Season. Through our trials and sorrows we were able to truly appreciate the birth of our Savior. May we all reflect on what the Christmas season is all about and "try a little harder to be a little better" this New Year.

Sunday, November 1, 2009



Ashlyn the Fairy Princess

Brutus becomes a MONSTER....muuuaaahahaha

His transformation is almost complete...

Brutus (the pumpkin) was such a brute that Jason had to call in reinforcements!

A pumpkin....a skill-saw....what could possibly go wrong??!

No, he's not "feeling" Brutus up... :-)

We had a great time having Grandma Andi and Papa Rod come up and spend Halloween with us. We went to a haunted corn maze.... carved pumpkins..... made sugar cookies. The kids dressed up as a fairy princess and "Master Chief" from Halo. Needless to say, about a dozen middle-aged men saw Brenden walking up the street and said "MASTER CHEIF!" Apparently "Halo" is a very popular game.... Unfortunately, he scared several younger children and one unsuspecting elderly door opener handing out candy! On the other hand, Ashlyn was the most beautiful fairy princess in all the land. She LOVES dressing up very girlie-girl!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day fun!!

This Memorial Day we went boating with the Bloxham family on the Yakima River. They have this amazing boat and were generous enough to take our family along for a day of fun in the sun (never-mind that the water was a balmy 54 degrees!!!!). We all slept like babies that night!

Brenden and Berek catching some air!!

Brenden, Makenna (she's in Brenden's class at school), Jason and Jared

Ashlyn and Tayler enjoying the boat ride...

....and the heaters!

Ashlyn loved riding in the tube.

Marianne, Tayler and Bailey Bloxham--that Bailey is adorable!

Jason's feet were too big (SHOCKER) for the wakeboard. Jared pulled so hard to get his foot out that Jason fell off the boat!

Hmmmmm....what do I say about this one?? Got wood, anyone??

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ashlyn's 6th Birthday Party!!

Okay, so a lot of people think that I am the one who wanted to have a "Twilight" party for my daughter. To set the record straight--Ashlyn LOVES Twilight and anything to do with Edward. It was her choice, her idea...and she had an awesome party!! She and her friends enjoyed the Edward cut-out more than I thought possible. Two of the posters pictured in these photos are now safely tucked away in her room where she can say goodnight to Edward every night. Who knew a 6-year old could have such a crush on someone--Yikes...makes me worry about the next 12 years!!!

Ashlyn and Edward

Nikki and I had such a great time decorating for this party!!

We made these great cupcake-pops. They were sinfully good!

The goody bags for all of Ashlyn's friends.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Okay, I am finally posting the long-awaited pictures of our house! We are loving it in every way. Heavenly Father has truly blessed us in so many ways--our family, our home, our friends--old and new. It's amazing how things work out according to His will. Enjoy the pictures. Sorry it's taken so long......We love you all!!!

The irrigation "pond" right behind our house.

Ducks, frogs and toads call it home--AWESOME!!

Our living room from the landing on the stairs.

The living room looking in to the dining room.

The dining room looking in to the living room.

Dining room.....

Kitchen...looking in to the dining room...

Kitchen....Love cooking in this thing!!!

Brenden's room

Ashlyn's room--she's girly-goth...who knew!!?